Frequently Asked Questions

  • We've created a strategic messaging framework to help tell the comprehensive story of CAES. This information is available on the CAES intranet

    For a general overview of CAES, download our Year in Review document.

  • When a crisis strikes an organization, one of the most important elements of the response is how the organization communicates internally and externally. Internal communication is crucial to the success of the response. How an organization communicates externally can be a determining factor in how an organization survives a crisis and the future of the organization to continue to function effectively.

    The CAES Crisis Communication Plan provides policies and procedures for coordinating communication within the college and the university, and between the university, the media and the public in the event of an emergency or controversial issue. Emergencies may include fires, bomb threats, natural disasters, accidents or major crimes. Controversial issues may include police investigations, protests or other situations that demand a public response, but may not demand an immediate outside reaction.

  • Submit a project request for marketing support.

  • Explore the marketing tools we've developed for CAES departments. Don't see what you're looking for? Submit a project request.

  • Logos for CAES and UGA Extension are available for download on the intranet.

  • Digital templates are available for download on the intranet.

  • UGA Extension is known for offering a wealth of personalized services, trainings and programs. Every event we organize, no matter how big or small, requires attention to detail.

    Start the event planning process by determining your goals and objectives, type of event, number of attendees, date and location. Once those basic event details are identified, let’s focus on making this process as stress-free as possible.

    To help you stay on track and maximize your event’s success, use the helpful UGA Extension Events guidelines and checklist available on the intranet.

  • Contact our approved vendor at

  • Contact our approved vendor at